Book Review: Beholding and Becoming, by Ruth Chou Simons
Book Review: Beholding and Becoming, by Ruth Chou Simons
26 April 2020
Beholding and Becoming is as equally theologically sound as it is visually stunning.
The coffee table book focuses on the theme of everyday worship and finding purpose in the seemingly mundane tasks of life. It teaches us to look up from what we are physically surrounded by and connect with our Father God, who sees and loves us regardless of our role, title, status, failures or accomplishments.
Ruth’s hand-drawn illustrations bring the book to life and refresh the mind and spirit. The use of poetry, art, Scripture and personal experience has been so expertly yet effortlessly woven together. There were times I wanted to tear out a picture to frame as they were so beautiful and poignant – thankfully Ruth’s illustrations are available separately for purchase through the website
This book serves up bite-size musings that will resonate with you and have very practical daily encouragements that seem real and achievable. This is not a tradition devotional – not a traditional book. I love the journey of the chapters, as each has a ‘behold’ – a focus on Christ; and a ‘become’ – what can I do?
This book would be a wonderful gift to anyone going through a life transition. Joy, pain, love, loss – it covers it all, but leads you through to a place where your eyes are lifted from your current circumstance and heartily reminded you are seen, loved, and held by the one who holds all things.
Beholding and Becoming is available at Koorong.
Anna Howlett is Young Adults Pastor at Waterfront Christian Church in Geelong.
Read her blog ‘My Essential House’ here.
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