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Street Safe Salvos program expands in Newcastle

Street Safe Salvos program expands in Newcastle

16 May 2016

The Street Safe Salvos program launched in Newcastle last October has recently expanded beyond the city centre into the neighbouring suburb of Hamilton....Read more

The evolution of a spiritual army

The evolution of a spiritual army

15 May 2016

In part one of a two-part series, Pipeline looks at the beginnings of The Salvation Army, which is b...Read more

Faith leaders visit Army's art contribution to Lent

Faith leaders visit Army's art contribution to Lent

15 May 2016

Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Vincent Nichols visited The Salvation Army's International Headq...Read more

Part two: Sparks that lit a fire of salvation

Part two: Sparks that lit a fire of salvation

14 May 2016

In part two of a two-part series, Pipeline investigates the early life of Salvation Army founders, W...Read more

Territorial leaders conduct retirement service for MacLarens

Territorial leaders conduct retirement service for MacLarens

14 May 2016

Territorial leaders, Commissioners James and Jan Condon, conducted the retirement service for Majors...Read more

Part one: Sparks that lit a fire of salvation

Part one: Sparks that lit a fire of salvation

13 May 2016

In part one of a two-part series, Pipeline investigates the early life of Salvation Army founders, W...Read more

Weekly dinners nourish local community

Weekly dinners nourish local community

13 May 2016

Weekly dinners at the Long Jetty Corps that began simply as an opportunity for extended corps fellow...Read more

Christian voice holds power

Christian voice holds power

13 May 2016

In an edited excerpt from Casey O'Brien Machado's paper, "The Thinking Salvationist", she explores t...Read more

Salvationists join delegates at UN to address gender inequality

Salvationists join delegates at UN to address gender inequality

13 May 2016

Two Australia Eastern Territory officers, Captain Kathy Crombie and Major Beth Twivey, joined 20,000...Read more

Counselling service answered the call

Counselling service answered the call

12 May 2016

After 32 years of counselling tens of thousands of Australians on the phone, Salvo Care Line made it...Read more

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