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Prisoner for Christ in World War Two

Prisoner for Christ in World War Two

20 April 2020

Major Harold Hosier ran Bible studies, services, discussion groups and a choir as a prisoner of war in Greece during WWII....Read more

Book Review: Courageous World Changers, by Shirley Raye Redmond

Book Review: Courageous World Changers, by Shirley Raye Redmond

18 April 2020

Stories about the world changing women who loved the Lord....Read more

Salvation Army hospitals and clinics respond to pandemic

Salvation Army hospitals and clinics respond to pandemic

18 April 2020

Salvation Army medical staff on the front line of the COVID-19 battle....Read more

General Peddle calls for 'Tsunami of Prayer' on Sunday 19 April

General Peddle calls for 'Tsunami of Prayer' on Sunday 19 April

18 April 2020

General Peddle calls on The Salvation Army to pray to combat the worldwide effects of COVID-19....Read more

Salvation Army to lead nation in Anzac Day prayer

Salvation Army to lead nation in Anzac Day prayer

17 April 2020

Major Brett Gallagher to lead the nation in prayer at the national commemorative service broadcast f...Read more

Book Review: Where Soldiers Lie, by Ian McPhedran

Book Review: Where Soldiers Lie, by Ian McPhedran

17 April 2020

Journalist Ian McPhederan begs us to remember the nameless soldiers who never made it home....Read more

Song for peace launched as Burundi elections loom

Song for peace launched as Burundi elections loom

17 April 2020

A Salvation Army songĀ is helping to bring about peaceful elections in Burundi....Read more

Movie Review: 1917

Movie Review: 1917

17 April 2020

An epic World War One film that explores the concept of valour....Read more

New Salvos/Kidzone magazine an ideal outreach tool

New Salvos/Kidzone magazine an ideal outreach tool

16 April 2020

A special Salvos/Kidzone flip magazine is now available for corps to read and share....Read more

Army in UK adapts to assist victims of modern slavery

Army in UK adapts to assist victims of modern slavery

16 April 2020

The Salvation Army in the UK continues to support victims of modern slavery through the COVID-19 pan...Read more

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