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Book Review: Analog Church by Jay Y Kim

Book Review: Analog Church by Jay Y Kim

7 July 2020

Why a pursuit of relevance through technology could cost the Church true community....Read more

Brendan's prayer and fasting vigil for Melbourne

Brendan's prayer and fasting vigil for Melbourne

7 July 2020

Project 614 Corps Officer seeks God’s 'light' for his home city...Read more

'Bringers of Hope' in hard times

'Bringers of Hope' in hard times

6 July 2020

Drought is still impacting much of Australia....Read more

Salvo Story: Dubbo, NSW

Salvo Story: Dubbo, NSW

6 July 2020

In this Salvo Story we come alongside our Rural Chaplains who bring a little hope to drought affecte...Read more

When the war is over

When the war is over

6 July 2020

Pandemic reveals society's fragile grip on inner peace...Read more

Army awarded new government modern slavery contract

Army awarded new government modern slavery contract

6 July 2020

Adult victims in England and Wales to be supported ...Read more

Book Review: Get Your Life Back by John Eldredge

Book Review: Get Your Life Back by John Eldredge

4 July 2020

A timely book reminding us to slow down 'in a world gone mad'...Read more

Australian Salvos pay tribute to Bearcroft

Australian Salvos pay tribute to Bearcroft

3 July 2020

Prominent British Salvationist remembered as an excellent musician, composer and Christian gentleman...Read more

Aussie officers around the world - Major Drew Ruthven

Aussie officers around the world - Major Drew Ruthven

3 July 2020

Focusing on the Australian officer's role with the International Emergency Services...Read more

Salvos praised for innovation during first Digital Doorknock

Salvos praised for innovation during first Digital Doorknock

3 July 2020

This year's Digital Doorknock opened doors to a tide of innovation and passion....Read more

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