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Cyber services reaching community for Christ

Cyber services reaching community for Christ

8 April 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced 'tech-savvy' Salvos to fast-track the quality and quantity of live-streaming services....Read more

The sum of our humanity

The sum of our humanity

8 April 2020

Easter 2020 takes on extra significance in light of the COVID-19 crisis....Read more

Time and eternity intersect at the Cross

Time and eternity intersect at the Cross

8 April 2020

The collision of God and sin...Read more

In a galaxy not so far away?

In a galaxy not so far away?

8 April 2020

Disney+ joins the galaxy of streaming options for Australian audiences....Read more

Deliveries of hope to doorsteps around the country

Deliveries of hope to doorsteps around the country

7 April 2020

The Salvation Army is assuring people who are doing it tough that they are not alone....Read more

Book review: Reframation by Alan Hirsch and Mark Nelson

Book review: Reframation by Alan Hirsch and Mark Nelson

7 April 2020

Could 'Reframation' change your life?...Read more

Alcohol in Society - reducing the human toll

Alcohol in Society - reducing the human toll

7 April 2020

Exploring The Salvation Army International Positional Statements....Read more

Heartfelt message from the Territorial Commander

Heartfelt message from the Territorial Commander

6 April 2020

Commissioner Robert Donaldson encourages us to know exactly who we are as children of God during the...Read more

Commissioners retire after 38 years of service

Commissioners retire after 38 years of service

6 April 2020

International appointments among highlights of Walkers' officership....Read more

DVD Review: The new testament in its world by NT Wright and Michael Bird

DVD Review: The new testament in its world by NT Wright and Michael Bird

6 April 2020

13 hours of DVD content to introduce you to the realities of the Gospels and the Early Church....Read more

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