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Category: Pipeline Online

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Salvos spirit alive and well in Helensburgh thanks to Lauren

Salvos spirit alive and well in Helensburgh thanks to Lauren

13 October 2017

Lauren Martin had wanted to see the Salvos in Helensburgh for years, and then realised they were already there - in her, and in the Salvos Stores and its people....Read more

Living out our new vision statement the aim of national campaign

Living out our new vision statement the aim of national campaign

12 October 2017

Living Our Vision invites Salvationists to explore how the new national vision could be expressed in...Read more

Sharing the journey

Sharing the journey

12 October 2017

Living Our Vision as we come alongside the people God has placed before us...Read more

General Cox enrols hundreds of soldiers in the Republic of Congo during the 80 years anniversary celebration

General Cox enrols hundreds of soldiers in the Republic of Congo during the 80 years anniversary celebration

12 October 2017

General Andre Cox enrolled more than 700 senior and junior soldiers during the 80th Anniversary Cong...Read more

Aussie officers join wildfire relief effort in California

Aussie officers join wildfire relief effort in California

12 October 2017

Australian officers, Captains Cheryl and Nesan Kistan, join with Salvation Army and other volunteers...Read more

Love for all

Love for all

11 October 2017

Sydney Streetlevel a haven for 'everybody'....Read more

Getting to grips with hospitality

Getting to grips with hospitality

11 October 2017

Moving "beyond labels and categories" to offer hospitality, welcome and respect to others....Read more

The General challenges worldwide Army to keep mobilising

The General challenges worldwide Army to keep mobilising

10 October 2017

"Go forward" was the message from General Andre Cox to Salvationists and friends around the world du...Read more

A prayer and a cuppa make an elderly farmer's day

A prayer and a cuppa make an elderly farmer's day

10 October 2017

A prayer and a cuppa with cadets on rural mission brings special joy to Maurice, an elderly farmer l...Read more

Our seniors' moment

Our seniors' moment

9 October 2017

The Salvation Army must start challenging its ageist views, says Major Jennifer Cloke....Read more

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