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REFLECTION: Hope found on a dark hillside and in a dirty stable

REFLECTION: Hope found on a dark hillside and in a dirty stable

18 December 2019

Finding hope in the dark, dirty and scary places of our lives....Read more

SAES recognised for work at the fire front

SAES recognised for work at the fire front

17 December 2019

All Salvo volunteers honoured for playing their part....Read more

Book review: Disability in mission by David C Deuel and Nathan G John

Book review: Disability in mission by David C Deuel and Nathan G John

17 December 2019

Advocating for believers with disability as active participants in kingdom mission....Read more

Spirit of Christmas lives on in Salvationist figures

Spirit of Christmas lives on in Salvationist figures

17 December 2019

Unassuming figurines featured in famous Myer window displays....Read more

Motorcycle Toy Run spreads Christmas cheer in Tassie

Motorcycle Toy Run spreads Christmas cheer in Tassie

16 December 2019

6000 motorcyclists support the Salvos for the annual Christmas event in Tasmania....Read more

Salvos busier than ever this Christmas

Salvos busier than ever this Christmas

13 December 2019

Salvation Army launches Christmas Appeal to provide support for struggling families....Read more

Army honours tireless Townsville volunteer

Army honours tireless Townsville volunteer

13 December 2019

Graham Wheeler the first Queenslander to receive Others Award....Read more

Music Review: House on a Hill by Amanda Cook

Music Review: House on a Hill by Amanda Cook

13 December 2019

Giving space to silence produces a moving worship album...Read more

Marketing community spirit is what it's all about

Marketing community spirit is what it's all about

12 December 2019

St Kilda youth refuge clients to host Christmas Market with a 'family feel'....Read more

The mundane meets the sacred at Christmas time in Italy

The mundane meets the sacred at Christmas time in Italy

12 December 2019

Fulfilling Christ's message of love and reconciliation Italian style....Read more

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