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Category: Top Story

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Bringing life to the table

Bringing life to the table

24 September 2019

The missional opportunities of sharing a meal...Read more

Advocating for equity behind the scenes

Advocating for equity behind the scenes

24 September 2019

Adele leading the way for more females to be involved in tech ministry in The Salvation Army....Read more

Music review: Make a Joyful Noise by the International Staff Songsters

Music review: Make a Joyful Noise by the International Staff Songsters

23 September 2019

Latest album focuses on the personal relationship between the believer and God....Read more

Book review: The Quarterly Essay by Erik Jensen

Book review: The Quarterly Essay by Erik Jensen

21 September 2019

How religion played a role in Scott Morrison's election win....Read more

Salvation Army student receives prestigious national award

Salvation Army student receives prestigious national award

20 September 2019

Liberian schoolgirl earns scholarship to study in Japan....Read more

Everyone belongs at Delacombe

Everyone belongs at Delacombe

20 September 2019

Connection is at the heart of this community....Read more

Griffith Salvos giving people a place to just 'be'

Griffith Salvos giving people a place to just 'be'

19 September 2019

Corps converts spare room to cater for people experiencing homelessness. ...Read more

Electric truck gives Salvos Stores a sustainable future

Electric truck gives Salvos Stores a sustainable future

18 September 2019

Donation allows The Salvation Army to be the first charity retailer with an electric vehicle in its ...Read more

Streetlevel walking group steps out in faith

Streetlevel walking group steps out in faith

18 September 2019

A New Year's resolution is being fulfilled at Streetlevel Mission in Sydney....Read more

Lunch by the lake brings Ararat community together

Lunch by the lake brings Ararat community together

18 September 2019

Ararat Salvos have given local school students a chance to help the homeless in their area. ...Read more

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