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Interculturalism thriving at Box Hill Salvos

Interculturalism thriving at Box Hill Salvos

12 August 2019

God at work bringing people into community with himself and each other....Read more

Movie review: Danger Close

Movie review: Danger Close

10 August 2019

The undeniable fog of war....Read more

Book review: The Golden Thread by Darlene Zschech

Book review: The Golden Thread by Darlene Zschech

10 August 2019

Discovering God's presence in unexpected places. ...Read more

Rivervale 'bootcamp' ready to recruit

Rivervale 'bootcamp' ready to recruit

9 August 2019

God breathing new life into old corps building....Read more

Taking the Gospel to the bush

Taking the Gospel to the bush

9 August 2019

A Salvation Army mission team has spread God's Word to outback communities in Queensland....Read more

The General reflects on his first year in office

The General reflects on his first year in office

8 August 2019

The Chief of the Staff interviews the General in a short video at International Headquarters. ...Read more

Hero award for our flying padre

Hero award for our flying padre

8 August 2019

Lieutenant Simon Steele recognised for his part in dramatic outback rescue....Read more

Housing ends homelessness

Housing ends homelessness

7 August 2019

We have the resources, knowledge and skills in Australia to end rough sleeping. ...Read more

Gen Z raises its voice at young adults retreat

Gen Z raises its voice at young adults retreat

7 August 2019

Forty people have gathered for the first young adults retreat for the united Victoria Division....Read more

Music camp fosters the future of brass

Music camp fosters the future of brass

6 August 2019

New York Staff bandmaster to be the guest speaker at brass band conference....Read more

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